Monday, December 17, 2007

The Bee War

After about 10 years of looking up at an unfinished building paper wall on the lodge I have finally set time to go down with a 6 meter Tower and extra ladders and finish the bushfire prone rear of the building . There was no freelance paid work around so I had a couple of weeks free to do the job .
I drove down and started to assemble the tower , which was a little slow with only one person .... I happened to notice that there were bees around the building , but didnt think to much of it as a close by Lilly Pilly was in full bloom and covered with bees . The next morning as I built the tower up I noticed that the bees were coming and going under the gap in the wooden shutters covering the windows ,,,,,, I quickly went inside and pulled back the curtain covering the building ,,,,,,,,,,, A complete Hive had being built between the shutter and the glass window ,,,,,,, AAAHHHHHHH . My Idea of getting the back looked like going up in smoke as I rang several bee keepers and was turned down when I mentioned that they were in a House not a tree or in the bush . To hard to remove ,,, and they were all going to some Bee Thing that weekend . I waited two days for some bee keepers to call back ... but it was the same answer ,,, To hard to busy . So armed with the knowledge that they hate soapy water and smoke makes them more docile I began the Bee War .

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